Adopted Trail: Manzanita Canyon Trail
Year Adopted: 2024
What motivated you to adopt a trail?
“I believe that everyone who uses the trails has a certain obligation to help keep them clear of blow downs and maintained. If the public has a good experience on a trail, they will be more inclined to support the people and groups that are maintaining them. It may even be the reason that they become involved themselves.”
What has been the most rewarding part of the AAT program?
“It is very rewarding to see what you have accomplished at the end of the day. I take pride knowing that I cleared a certain amount of trees from the trail or stopped erosion or damage to the trail. It is also fun to work with a like-minded group doing something good for the forest and the people who use it.”
What is your mission?
“My mission is to maintain my adopted trail (Manzanita Trail) to the best of my abilities.”
Favorite Trail?
“Gavilan. The views up high are spectacular in all directions.”
Favorite Tool?
“One person Crosscut Saw.”
How can folks get involved?
“Folks who want to help out should get in touch with the Enchanted Circle Trails Association and show up for a trail workday. I always say one day on the trails is worth a week in the gym!!”