Trail Adopter Highlight: Meet Red Willow Hospice
“The most rewarding part of being in the AAT program is knowing that our efforts are directly contributing to the preservation and sustainability of a trail that so many people rely on."
“The most rewarding part of being in the AAT program is knowing that our efforts are directly contributing to the preservation and sustainability of a trail that so many people rely on."
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"Our mountain bike organization adopted the South Boundary Trail because it is our pride and joy. It is our place of reverence."
"The Moreno Valley Trekkers have a long history of giving back to the Enchanted Circle Trails network within the Moreno Valley and beyond."
ECTA Quarterly Report 2024-10 through 2024-12Download
"We organize group trail runs with the mission of building an active and connected community through exploration of our public land."
I believe that everyone who uses the trails has a certain obligation to help keep them clear of blow downs and maintained.
“NMVFO has found that great work is done when we partner with other organizations, like the AAT program.”
"The breadth of our work can be simplified to gathering, stewarding and sharing community resources."
The Columbine-Hondo Wilderness was officially added to the National Wilderness Preservation System on December 19th, 2014 and is the Enchanted Circle's youngest Wilderness Area.