As part of the Bureau of Land Management’s commitment to expanding recreation access on public lands, they considered ECTA’s conceptual trail plan for the Horsethief Mesa area during their travel management plan update.

After an extensive survey of all existing trails and roads, and dozens of hours of ground-truthing, ECTA and our community partners developed a world-class stacked-loop trail network that would incorporate a variety of multi-use trails for a range of experiences for trail runners, equestrians, and mountain bikers.

Click for an interactive presentation

The conceptual trail plan was incorporated as Alternative E in the planning process. The approved plan incorporates the current 12 miles of existing single track, and adds roughly 14 miles of new trails that will need additional cultural and biological surveys before construction can take place.and a handful of trails from the planning process were included in the final decision:

Horsethief Mesa Travel Management Plan Environmental Assessment Final.pdf

ECTA is now working with the Forest Service to finalize clearances for the access road along a narrow strip of forest land so that the BLM can begin implimenting the travel management plan.